What is a big thing in todays society? RELIGION! My goodness, where the whole aspect of religion has gone is madness.
A lot of new debates are kicking off. Practically everyday people change religions and all the time people are finding out new religions. In the world, there are millions.
That is billions of people following millions of different religions and the really beautiful part is that we all can co-exist together.
And yet, what is a big problem with religion? Most people don't accept another persons religion if it if different then theirs. People get this mindset in religion that says "I'm right, you're wrong, and that is that." Who can really say what religion is right? No one.
There is no proof that one religion is right or wrong. It all just depends on faith. And as where most people say they are accepting of other religions, they really aren't.
Frankly, my own religion is different then a lot of people and only close friends in my life know what that is. But even around them, they instantly go tense and get on the defense if I mention anything about my religion or talk about what I may or may not believe in, and yet, I am just so supposed to sit there and let them preach the chior about their own religion and act like it doesn't affect me?
I am totally fine with people I know not believing in what I do and having their own, but respect it please.
If you are going to try to disprove my religion, you had better know I am going to do the same thing back. If you roll your eyes when I talk about my beliefs, you had better believe I am going to do that same with what you say about your own beliefs.
I don't ask for much in my life, but I do ask for acceptance. You believe what you do because that is what makes sense to you. What you believe is something that you can feel with your heart and understand with all your mind. The same thing goes for me. I believe what I believe because that is what makes sense to me. I don't always have the doubts in my mind and its something that doesn't contradict my own morals no matter what they be.
So when you get on someones case for having their own religion or roll your eyes when they speak about it, don't get upset when they do the same to you. Religion is part of our lives and it is going to get brought up in conversation so just go with it. You don't have to agree or even like it, but you had better respect everyones right to their own belief. What goes around comes around. You respect their beliefs and they will respect yours. Just let it be.
About Me
- WanderingSoul82
- My name is Samantha, though anymore people just call my Sam, which is okay, but I do prefer Samantha. I still have a whole life ahead of me, and even though it may get tough and complicated at times, I still find ways to get through it. I am surrounded by people I absolutely love and adore, as well as people who are just there, but that is pretty much the life of a human. I absolutely love school, it's the one thing in life that I am good at. I hold a steady job and get involved in clubs at school. I absolutely love Forensics club, and its not the study of dead bodies, but rather a speech club. For the most part, people like me and I have a deep way of thinking most of the time, even though I try not to show it, but perhaps, in this blog, I just might.