About Me

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My name is Samantha, though anymore people just call my Sam, which is okay, but I do prefer Samantha. I still have a whole life ahead of me, and even though it may get tough and complicated at times, I still find ways to get through it. I am surrounded by people I absolutely love and adore, as well as people who are just there, but that is pretty much the life of a human. I absolutely love school, it's the one thing in life that I am good at. I hold a steady job and get involved in clubs at school. I absolutely love Forensics club, and its not the study of dead bodies, but rather a speech club. For the most part, people like me and I have a deep way of thinking most of the time, even though I try not to show it, but perhaps, in this blog, I just might.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Making Lemonade

When life gives you lemons, you are always told that you should make lemonade. But there is a problem with that. Lemonade isn't just made from lemons. So how can you go on and make the lemonade when you so obviously need something to put the lemonade in, some sugar to make it a bit sweeter, and some water so it isn't as strong but still good and tasteful. The point I am trying to get across is this: sometimes in life, we are only given some of the things we need. We try to finish what needs done even though we don't have everything that is required. Sometimes we realize this and sometimes we don't. Most of the time, the job can't really be done without everything we need. So the next time lemons are thrown your way and you get ready to make your lemonade, stop and think really fast. Am I rushing to fast by trying to hurry and make this lemonade? Is something missing? It may sound dumb and rather cliche, but its true. We have to have all the materials essential to bake the cake of life, and if you don't have them, sometimes you have to go out and find them yourself.

p.s. This is probably the lamest thing I have written and I am well aware of this. It was a simple thought I decided to write down. If you like it, tell me, if not, tell me that too. Just want simple feed back on my rather cliche and lame blurb. Thanks much.

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